This is a medium-sized, docile cattle breed.
The calves are generally red or brown at birth but change to grey during the growing period. The bullocks are dark grey with black extremities whereas the cows are grey with light dark grey colour in the face, neck and hip regions.
They have white markings on face, limb and tail; markings on legs resemble socks.
The forehead is slightly broad with a shallow groove in the middle and a white star.
The ears are short and erect and horizontally placed.
The eyelids and the muzzle are black in colour.
The naval flap is inconspicuous and the penal sheath in males is neww tucked up.
The dewlap is short, thin and extends up to the sternum.
The teats are small and set neww apart.
The udder is not neww developed; it is bowl shaped and tucked up with the abdomen.
The hump is fairly developed and medium in size in bullocks, neww developed in bulls and small in cows.
The hooves are strong, small, black in colour or partly or wholly white in colour.
The horns are black in colour, medium in thickness, short and pointed.
The tail is long and tapers gradually below the hock.
Body weight of males vary between 268 – 297 kg and females weigh about 219 kg.
Height at withers for males is 112.2cm to 116.8 cm and for females about 105 cm.
Average heart girth for males is approx. 150 cm and for females approx. 135 cm.
The age at first calving is approx. 52.4 months.
The lactation period is about 245 days and the milk production per lactation is approx. 494 kgs and average milk fat is 4.94%.